We believe:

The current administration in charge of St. Marys is guilty of acting without the best interest of the majority of its citizens.


There should be a referendum calling for:

Changing the St. Marys voting method from plurality to majority,

A new election for the position of Mayor as well City Council Posts 2, 3, 4, and 5,

The immediate resignation of City Manager Bill Shanahan,

The immediate sale of the recently purchased Gilman property,

and abandonment of all plans to move the St. Marys Airport.


What you can do:

Attend every St. Marys City Council Meeting and request to make comments.

When you address the council, repeat the “We Believe” mission statement.

Make a sign to place in the rear window of your car with SCRAG printed in bold letters.

Get materials and make a yard sign for your lawn with SCRAG printed in bold letters.

Write letters to the editor of the St. Marys and Jacksonville newspaper.

And last but not least VOTE.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Which St Marys department head is she trying to get fired?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What Now?

More daily insanity. At 2PM today, a notice was sent out that there would be a special called St Marys City Council Meeting. The only item on the agenda was a "City Manager Complaint". Less than two hours later, another notice went out: the meeting had been canceled.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Preview of Coming Attractions

The K9 demonstration won't be the only dog and pony show at 
Monday night's city council meeting. Payback is the name of the 
game as Post tries to rattle the CVB with a review of their contract. 
It's the airport authority, part deux.  Don't expect the council to give 
Brink another appeal. They will probably try to buy her off. They 
already blinked, but don't want to appear more foolish than they 
already do, so they will do nothing. The next step for her is a 
massive lawsuit; that will cost the city big time. Should be a packed
house with the Buzzards, Ameners, SCRAG supporters out 
numbering the STMPD. Surprised Fuhrer Shanahan hasn't ordered 
Hatch to bring one of his Navy surplus all terrain vehicles down to 
city haul to scare the local citizenry into minding their manners.

Big Surprise

Nothing was accomplished. According to the report to SCRAG, Hase appeared to lose patience with Morrissey when he wouldn't follow her lead in the absence of her minion, Keith Post. He demeanor was condescending at best. Police presence at the meeting was totally necessary. Was she afraid someone might tell the truth?  

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

St. Marys CIty Council Personell Meeting Today

2PM in council chambers. We'll see how many show up and if they will get anything done.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Who is SCRAG?

Many have asked: who is SCRAG? SCRAG is a movement, not a person or a dictionary definition. If you believe in the principles, you belong to SCRAG. SCRAG doesn't need a leader to be a valid coalition. It didn't take a leader for t shirts to be printed, distributed, and worn to the August 9th city council meeting. It just happened.  CRAG is citizens united for a common goal: changing the some of the current elected officials and employees in St. Marys City Government.  What is more important than the mission? Express yourself here if you believe in the mission. If not, start your own blog.