We believe:
The current administration in charge of St. Marys is guilty of acting without the best interest of the majority of its citizens.
There should be a referendum calling for:
Changing the St. Marys voting method from plurality to majority,
A new election for the position of Mayor as well City Council Posts 2, 3, 4, and 5,
The immediate resignation of City Manager Bill Shanahan,
The immediate sale of the recently purchased Gilman property,
and abandonment of all plans to move the St. Marys Airport.
What you can do:
Attend every St. Marys City Council Meeting and request to make comments.
When you address the council, repeat the “We Believe” mission statement.
Make a sign to place in the rear window of your car with SCRAG printed in bold letters.
Get materials and make a yard sign for your lawn with SCRAG printed in bold letters.
Write letters to the editor of the St. Marys and Jacksonville newspaper.
And last but not least VOTE.